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Data Engineering Laboratory


An infrastructure to extract knowledge from data.

At Area Science Park, our state-of-the-art research infrastructure is dedicated to advanced computing and data analysis services. Thanks to specialised skills, researchers use advanced technologies for the processing of big data: from artificial intelligence techniques to FAIR-bydesign data production. 

Main research topics

Our laboratory carries out research and development activities in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Management to extract knowledge and value from scientific data. For example, LADE manages and analyses data produced in the Genomics and Epigenomics Laboratory (LAGE) and in the Electron Microscopy Laboratory (LAME) 

Storage and data processing are entrusted to ORFEO, a datacenter that manages and analyses scientific data in an open source approach.

The Data center - ORFEO

ORFEO (Open Research Facility for Epigenomics and Other) is a modern data center housed in a container that provides advanced computing and data analysis services. The system can deliver millions of computing hours per year. It boasts high flexibility and reconfigurability: alongside the computing servers, an infrastructure is present that enables cloud delivery of HPC/AI services. 

Additionally, the data center contributes to the processing of data produced by the Open Labs for Life Sciences and Innovative Materials. 

Technical characteristics of ORFEO

The container housing the data centre is connected via redundant 10 Gbit fibre to the Area Science Park and Lighnet networks, providing fast and efficient connectivity with the entire regional and national research network.

The infrastructure, fully redundant in all its components, offers a range of high-memory computing nodes (up to 1.5TB of RAM per server) and the latest generation processors (up to 128 cores distributed over two sockets). Some servers are equipped with dual V100 GPU cards with 32GB of RAM, and there are 2 DGX systems equipped with a total of 16 A100 cards with 40GB of RAM each.

The total storage capacity exceeds 5 PB of raw space and is provided to users through a CEPH parallel file system, which includes both high-speed partitions based on NVME and SSD technology, and standard partitions based on HDD. The long-term storage partition is over 3 Petabytes in size. Additionally, there is tape-based storage with two read heads. 

Research projects

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Scientific publications

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Join us

Brilliant and determined minds are always welcome in Area Science Park! 

Become part of our team and work in a dynamic and collaborative environment, contributing to the scientific progress we are driving. 


Cazzaniga Alberto
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Responsabile ufficio
Ansuini Alessio
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Bazzocchi Federica
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Biagetti Matteo
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Cuturello Francesca
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Doimo Diego
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Durì Olga
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Fabris Fiorella
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Lot Ruggero
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Luin Massimo
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Moret Chiara
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Ortu Francesco
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Panizon Emanuele
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Piomponi Valerio
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Prenassi Marco
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Rodani Tommaso
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Valeriani Lucrezia
Laboratory of Data Engineering
Villegas Garcia Edith Natalia
Laboratory of Data Engineering

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