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Why Choose Area Science Park?

To broaden horizons. To drive change. To experience a "world in progress”. There’s always a great reason to choose Area Science Park.

Join one of the leading Italian Science and Technology Parks. Become part of a community of around 60 companies and over 3,000 researchers, technicians and entrepreneurs dedicated to fostering new connections between the research world and the industry, within an ecosystem that offers: 


Fully-equipped spaces and facilities to support your daily needs.


Services for innovation, research enhancement and business growth.


Support in HR, financial research and strategic information.

We help you unlock your scientific and economic potential

You will have access to a personalized customer care service that will support you throughout your establishment process, aiming to enhance your scientific and economic potential by fostering research collaborations with other initiatives within the Park. Additionally, at Area Science Park, we can guide the development of R&D and innovation programmes, finding the right opportunities to give them the market visibility they deserve. By working here, you can: 

  • Make valuable collaborations to finance your projects with public or private organisations
  • Create technological, scientific and commercial partnerships at national and international levels 

Who can set up?

Companies, spin-offs and startups

Companies, spin-offs and startups operating in high-tech and advanced service sectors.

Structured laboratories

Structured laboratories of companies, public research institutions and private research centres.

How to set up?

To set up in Area Science Park, it is necessary to conduct R&D activities and technological development programmes or, more generally, research and studies in the fields of high technology and business services. If you are interested, you can submit an application that includes a programme of activities, with the assistance of the Area Science Park staff.

Want to know more?

Contact the Park Development Unit: sviluppo.parco@areasciencepark.it