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The Ernesto Illy Master’s course in the Economics and Science of Coffee kicks off
The Ernesto Illy Foundation’s Master’s course in the Economics and Science of Coffee has reached its 14th edition; it is held in collaboration with illycaffè, the University of Trieste, the University of Udine, SISSA and Area Science Park. This Master’s course is addressed to young graduates in economics, engineering and agricultural sciences; it offers comprehensive training on the biological, agronomic, technological and economic aspects of coffee, from the plant to the final product. There are 25 students in this edition, coming from 18 countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Mexico, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Tanzania.
The educational programme includes over 430 hours of lessons, supported by 60 professors. The classes are taught in a blended-learning format. They will begin remotely, and starting in May 2025, they will continue face-to-face, concluding with project work on one of the subjects covered during the course. Again this year, the Friuli Foundation and the CRTrieste Foundation will financially support the Master’s course, with 16 students who will receive scholarships from the Ernesto Illy Foundation: 10 with a full contribution and 6 with a partial contribution.
Since its first edition, the Master’s course has involved over 272 students from more than 30 countries, with the aim of training professionals specialised in the coffee sector, capable of adopting an ethical and sustainable approach.
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Five companies from the Park awarded Booster for Life Science FVG funds
Five projects from companies based in Area Science Park were among the 22 selected under the first call for the “Booster for Life Science-TRL Advancement” programme. This initiative, promoted by the Life Sciences Cluster Friuli Venezia Giulia at the request of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, aims to fund “industrial research and experimental development projects in the Life Sciences sector, with an initial overall budget of €10.040.000.”
The 22 projects awarded funding will each receive between €200.000 and €500.000 to “raise the technology readiness level (TRL) of innovative products and services in the development phase, supporting both the validation of ideas and the creation of technologies, bringing cutting-edge solutions closer to the market.” The companies that presented the approved projects include AB Analitica srl, Alifax Research & Development srl, Clonit srl, Dr. Schär SpA and Prodigys Technology srl. The types of projects funded include start-ups, innovative start-ups and spin-offs (27%); small enterprises (23%); innovative SMEs (18%); large enterprises (9%); universities (9%); micro-enterprises (9%); medium-sized enterprises (5%).
AB Analitica is a cutting-edge company in the field of molecular diagnostics and deals with medical-diagnostic laboratory devices for virology, bacteriology, parasitology, mycology, molecular genetics and oncology. Alifax is one of Italy’s most prominent companies specialising in the development, production and distribution of clinical diagnostic instruments for laboratory automation. Since 1987, Clonit has been focusing on the development, production and distribution of in vitro diagnostic equipment and innovative, reliable reagents for molecular diagnostics. Prodigys applies the latest and most innovative artificial intelligence and business intelligence technologies and systems for software cybersecurity, both web and mobile. It also provides design, implementation and support services for complex information systems. Dr. Schär is a company specialised in the development, production and marketing of dietary foods for individuals with specific nutritional needs, including the ketogenic diet, which is the focus of the funded project.
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FERMI opens up new paths to quantum control: new horizons for atomic and molecular science
In a pioneering experiment conducted at FERMI, the Free Electron Laser (FEL) of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, active in Area Science Park, has, for the first time, made it possible to directly control quantum hybrid electron-photon states in helium atoms, demonstrating quantum control of nonlinear electronic dynamics. This significant achievement, the result of international collaboration between theoretical and experimental groups led by Dr Lukas Bruder from the University of Freiburg, involved several Italian institutions: the Polytechnic University of Milan, the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the National Research Council in Milan (CNR-IFN), the Istituto Officina dei Materiali of the National Research Council in Trieste (CNR-IOM), the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the National Laboratories of Frascati (Rome) and Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste. This is an important milestone in quantum physics, opening up new perspectives for studying and controlling chemical reactions on an atomic scale, thanks also to FERMI’s extraordinary technological capabilities.
The research, published in the scientific journal Nature, demonstrates how precise manipulation of light pulses generated by the FERMI FEL makes it possible to facilitate specific quantum processes, through an approach known as “coherent control”. While this method has been well-established for visible light and at low intensities, it has now been successfully applied to extreme ultraviolet wavelengths, opening up a new field of research for analysing atomic and molecular phenomena occurring on attosecond timescales (one billionth of a billionth of a second).
The FERMI laser stands out on the international scene as the only source of its kind capable of ensuring such precise control of the generation of ultraviolet radiation and X-rays, thanks to the use of an “external seed”. This innovative approach makes it possible to impart further coherence to the light during the amplification process, finally making coherent control experiments feasible. In fact, without this process, amplified radiation would be chaotic and incoherent, with a random sequence of pulses very close to each other.
This experiment exploited ultraviolet radiation pulses with intensities in the range of 10–100 trillion watts per square centimetre, generating quantum states known as “dressed states”, where electrons strongly interact with the light field, altering their energy levels. Thanks to this precise manipulation of the phase and amplitude of these light pulses, the researchers achieved unprecedented control of these dynamics.
The results obtained first of all demonstrate the efficiency and technical maturity achieved by FERMI, since the ability to reproduce effects well known at optical frequencies in X-rays was, and remains, a highly sought-after achievement that can by no means be taken for granted.
Right now, we have new methodologies available for investigating fundamental quantum systems. Very short wavelengths and correspondingly shorter pulse durations generally allow us to handle electrons on their natural length and time scales – i.e. atomic. This also opens up new prospects for developing techniques to control material properties and chemical reactions, with potential implications in sectors such as photovoltaics, catalysis and materials science in general.
When going into such minute details, it becomes increasingly challenging to grasp and understand the events being observed, and these very precise pulses allow us to isolate the smallest details very quickly and with equal precision (as with an ultra-high-resolution camera). Thanks to this technology, it is not only possible to passively explore all these phenomena but also to guide and manipulate them towards new discoveries and new hypotheses.
Institutions involved:
Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany
Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Trieste, Italy
Institute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany Department of Physics, IFN-CNR, Milan, Italy
Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Department of Physics, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Istituto Officina dei Materiali, CNR (CNR-IOM), Trieste, Italy
National Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Laboratories of Frascati, Frascati, Italy
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany
The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging CUI, Hamburg, Germany
IFN-CNR, Milan, Italy
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Ritual use of psychoactive substances discovered in ancient Egypt
For the first time, direct evidence of the use of psychoactive substances during rituals in the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Ancient Egypt has been provided. The discovery, published in the journal Scientific Reports, is based on the analysis of a ritual vase over 2,000 years old, which revealed traces of psychoactive plants used in religious and spiritual practices. The vase is adorned with the head of the Egyptian god Bes, a grotesque but benevolent deity often used as a protective amulet for the home.
The research, coordinated by Professor Enrico Greco from the University of Trieste, in collaboration with the Tampa Museum of Art, the University of South Florida and the University of Milan, was made possible thanks to the crucial support provided by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, which contributed with advanced techniques, such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (SR µ-FTIR) coupled with synchrotron radiation. Chiaramaria Stani, CERIC-ERIC researcher at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste’s SISSI beamline, explained: “These analyses made it possible to identify the ceremonial content of the vase, although the residual traces were minimal, but well preserved in the porosity of the pottery”.
This technology made it possible to analyse the residual traces inside the vase, revealing the presence of plants such as Peganum harmala (Syrian rue), Nymphaea nouchali (blue lotus) and species of the Cleome genus, all known for their psychoactive properties. The analysis also indicated that the vase was used in rituals involving the achievement of altered states of consciousness, probably a means for communicating with the divine and facilitating mystical-ritual experiences.
The research not only confirms previous hypotheses based on texts and iconography but it also provides solid physical evidence of the sophisticated use of natural substances by the Egyptians. The multidisciplinary approach, combining science, history and culture, was essential for solving this ancient mystery, confirming the importance of collaboration between research institutes like Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and the universities involved.
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Metallic atoms in graphene networks: how the materials of the future are born
An international study, involving the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Istituto Officina dei Materiali) and the Universities of Trieste and Milano-Bicocca for Italy, along with the University of Vienna, has unveiled a simple and innovative method for creating a new category of materials. These materials combine the exceptional properties manifested by individual metal atoms with the robustness, flexibility and versatility of graphene, for potential applications in the fields of catalysis, spintronics and electronic devices.
The study is published in Science Advances: the method involves depositing metal atoms, such as cobalt, in a controlled manner, during the formation of the graphene layer on a nickel surface. Some of these atoms are incorporated into the carbon network of graphene, forming a new material with exceptional robustness, reactivity and stability.
The method was developed at the CNR-IOM laboratories in Trieste: “This is still a preliminary result, but it is already very promising and the result of an original idea that arose in our laboratory and initially seemed unfeasible,” says Cristina Africh, a researcher at the CNR-IOM who led the team.
The material’s ability to detach from the substrate while maintaining its original structure makes it potentially usable in various applications. “The methodology has been tested for trapping nickel and cobalt atoms, but our calculations suggest that it could be extended to other metals for different applications,” explains Cristiana Di Valentin, professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Moreover, the material has proven to be stable even under critical conditions. “We have demonstrated that this material remains intact even in critical conditions, including the electrochemical environments used for applications in fuel cells and batteries,” adds Jani Kotakoski of the University of Vienna.
The study, which is the result of international collaboration, made use of different and complementary skills. “This aspect was decisive in demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach, which is simple and powerful at the same time,” concludes Giovanni Comelli from the University of Trieste.
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Research infrastructures
Elettra Sincrotrone launches advanced digital assistant in support of research
Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste has announced the launch of ElettraBot, an innovative digital assistant based on artificial intelligence, designed to support researchers using the beamlines and laboratories of Elettra and FERMI. The first prototype has been successfully implemented for the TwinMic beamline, named TwinBot.
This beamline, one of the 28 beamlines at the Italian synchrotron located in Trieste, specializes in X-ray microscopy, offering sub-micrometric spatial resolution. Thanks to its ability to combine transmission imaging and X-ray spectroscopy, TwinMic enables multidisciplinary studies ranging from biology to materials science. Its main applications include studying nanoparticle accumulation in cells and understanding chemical mechanisms related to asbestos in human tissues.
TwinBot represents a significant innovation in basic research, providing immediate and intuitive access to the technical and experimental information offered by the TwinMic beamline. Leveraging artificial intelligence, TwinBot provides real-time responses to inquiries made in natural language, facilitating the preparation of proposals and experiments. TwinBot provides quick and accurate answers, significantly enhancing their operational efficiency, therefore researchers no longer need to spend long hours manually searching through technical documents.
This tool has the potential to be extended to other beamlines and services at Elettra, further strengthening the scientific ecosystem of the institution. No other synchrotron has yet adopted similar technology for these purposes, making TwinBot a unique innovation. The project not only positions Elettra at the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence into scientific infrastructures but also establishes new standards for supporting basic research.
Artificial intelligence is not limited to automating repetitive tasks, it goes far beyond that: it analyzes large volumes of data, identifies complex patterns, and can contribute to generating new insights that lead to innovative hypotheses, often based on extensive datasets or complex models that are difficult to analyze manually. This radically changes research methods, allowing scientists to focus more on creative and analytical aspects. Thus, artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming an essential element of modern scientific research, with applications that extend well beyond automation.
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