“Renewable solar energy and thermally-driven technologies”
Evento finale del Progetto Adriacold - Dubrovnik, 28 August 2015
Servizi per l'Innovazione
“Renewable solar energy and thermally-driven technologies”

28 August 2015, Dubrovnik
Renewable solar energy and thermally-driven Technologies
A bunch of opportunities for the Adriatic basin economy
10:30 Morning Seminar

10:30 Project scope, partnership and key results
Marcello Guaiana – AREA Science Park (IT)

10:45 Common methodology to obtain and measure cooling energy needs
Rajko Leban – Goriška local energy agency (SI)

11:00 Inventory of SC technologies, SC systems design key elements
Giovanni Puglisi – National Agency for new technologies, energy and economy sustainable development (IT)

11:30 Monitoring systems approaches
Robert Kocjančič – Jožef Stefan Institute (SI)

11:45 Guidelines on how to successfully implement solar cooling systems and lesson learned from Adriacold case studies
Boris Cosic – University of Zagabria (HR)

12:00 A successful pilot plants experience
Darko Jardas – Regional Energy Agency Kvarner (HR)

14:30 Afternoon Round table

14:30 Lesson learned and future investments planning in the Adriatic Area
Roberto Jodice – CORTEA (IT)

15:00 News ideas for strengthening sustainable development capabilities in the County of Dubrovnik
Marko Cosmai – City of Dubrovnik Development Agency (HR)

15:30 New Programming opportunities to capitalize the Adriacold results
Carlo Fortuna – Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT)
Ludovico Gherardi – Emilia-Romagna Region (IT)

16:30 Q&A
More info: Marcello Guaiana ph. +39 0403755267 –marcello.guaiana@area.trieste.it28


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