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ASTAHG – Alpine Space Transnational Governance of Active and Healthy Ageing

Sector:Life Sciences
Project duration:16/04/2018 - 15/04/2021

With an increasingly important percentage of elderly, governments in the Alpine Space (AS) regions are promoting policies for active and healthy ageing. To deal with this topic in the most efficient way, the authorities of different sectors (from healthcare to transport) should coordinate efforts and engage with private operators, local authorities, and researchers in the design, implementation and evaluation of the policy, which poses several challenges. ASTAHG will establish a transnational governance board involving AS Quadruple Helix actors to identify and face the common challenges in governance and PA innovation for promoting AHA in each territory. ASTAHG will help AS regional governments in implementing and monitoring their AHA policies, local governments in identifying the most suitable initiatives for their territorial context and social innovators in channelling their services and products through local and international funding opportunities.


  • Establish a transnational governance board engaging policy makers and influencers in the AS to define a network of common policies.
  • Develop a portfolio of good practices in AHA governance, based upon the analysis of current models, with possible pathways to mainstream them.
  • Establish an AHA innovation observatory, classifying initiatives and solutions with context and efficacy indicators.
  • Develop a framework for AHA innovation, based on the Quadruple Helix model, to help the collaboration of public actors, R&I, social business actors and citizens in the collaborative design and fundraising of innovation.
  • Align results and efforts with EUSALP to enhance the level of transnational governance through the AS.

The transnational dimension will favour lesson learning among geographically similar contexts and enforce international public/private partnerships for AHA innovation.


  • Better governance capacities of regional AHA policies, coordinating actions in different sectors with a strong geographic focus
  • Easing the transferring of innovation and initiatives for AHA across the AS
  • Enabling social innovation framework for generating and adopting innovation for AHA involving public and private actors



Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

Area Science Park (IT)
Autonomous Province of Trento (IT)
Local Health Authority n.1 Dolomiti (IT)
National Institute of Public Health (SLO)
European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (AT)
University of Salzburg, Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research at University of Salzburg (AT)
Geneva International Network on Ageing (CH)
A professional network of home care service providers of Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur (FR)
