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Matteo Biagetti at the Data Science in Fundamental Physics international conference

03 - 07 June 2024

Area Science Park is present with researcher Matteo Biagetti at the international conference in Santiago de Compostela

Thanks to Data Science, today we can analyse and manipulate an enormous amount of data, derived from the most disparate platforms: From social networks to medical records, from geolocators to streaming services. All with the aim of extracting new knowledge and value.

The data scientist uses advanced mathematical and physical techniques to find correlations, causal relationships, and interactions among data, developing hypotheses to test, and gradually improving analysis algorithms. Many of the techniques used are inspired by the results of fundamental physics, ranging from the physics of complex systems to high-energy physics.

These fruitful correlations and their repercussions on society, the economy, the world of work, and industry will be explored during the international conference “Data Science in Fundamental Physics and its bridge to industry & society”, which will be held in Santiago De Compostela (Spain) from 3 to 7 June. It is organised by the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (Instituto Galego de Fisica de Altas Enerxias, IGFAE).

Matteo Biagetti, a research physicist at LADE – the Data Engineering Laboratory active in Artificial Intelligence and Data Management, will represent Area Science Park and his research activities in the field.

The conference will highlight career opportunities within the field of fundamental physics and its synergies with the job market. It will also include a session where companies can present their needs related to Data Science. By bringing together both aspects, this occasion aims at creating a framework for the mutual exchange of knowledge and will allow the development of practical synergies from Data Science to fundamental physics and from Data Science to industry.

More information on the event: Data Science in Fundamental Physics and the Bridge to Industry (usc.es)

Find out about the LADE and its team of researchers