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Urban mobility and climate change: a policy brief by Area Science Park issued within the Interreg Urban Transports project.

The report is presented during the event “Mediterranean cities and climate change: making the urban transport sector more resilient and less impactful”
Innovation services Press releases

The Mediterranean region warms 20% faster than other regions in the world and local authorities are at the forefront of the actions for adapting to and mitigating the multiple impacts of climate change. To this end the Urban Transports Community*, an Interreg MED Programme initiative, promotes sustainable urban mobility planning in the Euro-Mediterranean region as an effective tool to reduce carbon emissions and improve the quality of life of the population and the environment.

The Community has gathered together almost 200 organisations (public authorities, associations, mobility planners, universities and international organisations, amongst others) from 12 Euro-Mediterranean countries. In support of local authorities it has elaborated and published a selection of tools and solutions with the highest replicability potential.

As part of the project, the Area Science Park experts have developed several reports which constitute reference guides and a scientific basis for policy makers and urban planners to develop the planning of mobility and related infrastructures. Urban mobility Adaptation to Climate Change is the topic of the latest policy brief presented on December 14th 2022 during the online event “Mediterranean cities and climate change: making the urban transport sector more resilient and less impactful”.

The policy brief describes the main impacts of climate change on urban mobility, with the aim of raising awareness among policy makers, suggesting possible solutions to minimize its effects and make the mobility system more resilient to climate change. Transport infrastructures will be exposed, in the next decades, to an increasing number of new challenges from climate impacts. Panning today for the construction of new and the management of existing infrastructures will require the consideration of new environmental, climatic and socio-economic parameters and conditions with respect to those used in the past.

During the project Area Science Park drafted two other technical reports. The first one focused on the analysis of technological trends relating to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and the second one on the spread of automated vehicles in the cities.

The reports are available here: https://urban-transports.interreg-med.eu/policy-briefs/

*The Urban Transports Community is featured by a project led by MedCities (Barcelona, Spain), in partnership with UNIMED Mediterranean Universities Union (Rome, Italy), Area Science Park (Trieste, Italy), CODATU (Lyon, France), CIVINET CY-EL (Cyprus-Greece), POLIS, Cities and Regions for transport innovation (Brussels, Belgium), and Durres Municipality (Durres, Albania).