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CNR – ISMAR Institute of Marine Sciences

The Institute of Marine Sciences carries out research in Mediterranean, oceanic and polar areas to study: 

  • the evolution of the oceans and continental margins to define the activity of volcanoes, faults and underwater landslides and impact scenarios on the coasts 
  • the influence of climate change on ocean circulation, acidification, bio-geochemical cycles and marine productivity 
  • marine habitats and ecology, the increasing pollution of coastal and deep areas 
  • fishery resources to maintain their exploitation within sustainable limits and improve mariculture and aquaculture practices 
  • the natural and anthropic factors that have an economic and social impact on coasts and lagoons from prehistory to the industrial era. 
Typology: Research Centre
Sector: Energy and Environment
Campus: Basovizza
Building: Q1; Q2

Research in Mediterranean, oceanic and polar areas.

Email: amministrazione@ts.ismar.cnr.it
Phone: +390403756872