Urban Transport Community
The Urban Transports Community is an Interreg MED Programme initiative launched in November 2016 and renewed in October 2019 till June 2022. The Community is promoting sustainable urban mobility planning in the Euro-Mediterranean region as an effective tool to reduce carbon emissions and improve the quality of life of the population and the environment.
Since November 2016, the Community has gathered seven territorial cooperation projects co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and almost 100 organisations (public authorities, private companies, universities, NGOs and international organisations) from 12 Euro-Mediterranean countries. In this second phase the Community has the opportunity to bring the capitalisation process to the next level by providing local authorities with a tailor-made support to implement the replicable solutions developed and tested by our Community.
UNIMED Mediterranean Universities Union (Roma)
Area Science Park (Trieste)
CODATU (Lione, Francia)
CIVINET CY-EL (Repubblica di Cipro greco-cipriota)
POLIS, Cities and Regions for transport innovation (Brussels, Belgio)
Durres Municipality (Durazzo, Albania)
Fabio Tomasi