BLUEAIR – Blue Growth Smart Adriatic Ionian S3
The BLUEAIR project aims at enhancing the institutional capacities of ADRION countries/regions in the definition of a common approach towards the implementation of the S3 policy on Blue Growth (BG) at the macro-regional level, and guaranteeing the alignment of local initiatives with the EUSAIR strategy.
BLUEAIR project partnership covers the whole ADRION countries in order to contribute to its future inclusion in the EUSAIR area. Coastal, as well as inland countries, have been included to explore the potentialities and challenges of the inland water transport and economy as well. Next to the 11 project partners, the Project consortium is consisted of additional 20 associated strategic partners.
Improving competences of innovation players on Blue Growth, identifying sectors of macro-regional interest, exploiting potentials for transnational cooperation, supporting the development of a single Macro-Regional S3 on BG in the Adriatic- Ionian: these objectives are reached by the involvement of the quadruple helix actors in the definition of a common strategic vision by means of enabling tools, capacity building initiatives and effective EDP practices and instruments.
Supported by scientific experts and technical documentation, BLUEAIR offers to quadruple helix actors a view on the future scenarios of the Blue Growth sectors enabling them to take advantage of the sector transnational opportunities. Two seas, many untapped market opportunities in Blue Growth, different coastal and inland territories involved moving toward one single approach: the BLUEAIR Macro-Regional S3 on Blue Growth.
Camera Croata della Economia (HR)
Parco Tecnologico di Lubiana Ltd. (SLO)
Municipalità di Isola (SLO)
Università del Pireo – Centro di ricerca (GR)
Regione Centrale della Macedonia (GR)
Agenzia Nazionale per la Ricerca Scientifica e l’Innovazione (AL)
Tehnopolis – Centro per l’Innovazione e l’Imprenditorialità (MNG)
Camera dell’Economia del Montenegro (MNG)
Università di Belgrado (SRB)
Camera dell’Economia della Federazione di Bosnia ed Erzegovina (BiH)
Elena Banci
Vanessa Sanson