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A-RING Alpine Research and Innovation Capacity Governance

Programme:Interreg Alpin Space
Project duration:10/01/2019 - 31/03/2022

The main objective of the A-RING project is to establish the foundations for effective and permanent transnational cooperation across different levels and actors (triple helix) in order to develop shared research and innovation (R&I) policies for the Alpine region.

The project also aims to promote mutual understanding of policies, clusters, research, and businesses, while strengthening the active role of research and development organizations at the local level, as well as regional development and innovation on strategic topics within the program area.

The project seeks to provide the framework conditions for the development of common research and innovation policies in the Alps, promoting coordinated and transnational multilevel governance.



The project plans to achieve the following governance-related results:

  • Development of a Blueprint for the Research & Innovation agenda of the Alpine region;
  • Preparation of Policy Briefs, or roadmaps, containing recommendations for the definition and implementation of joint innovation policies for the Alpine region territories;
  • Drafting of an Action Plan for transnational collaboration between various innovation players in the Alpine area;
  • Development of a joint S3 for the Alpine region.

Area Science Park is the partner responsible for drafting a roadmap containing policy briefs related to the implementation of collaborative processes between local, regional, and national administrations and stakeholders, focused on the realization of a joint transregional S3 in the fields of digitalization, circular economy, and sustainable mobility.


Università Statale di Milano – Polo UNIMONT

Area Science Park
Università delle scienze applicate del Vorarlberg, Austria
Ministero dell'istruzione, della scienza e dello sport, Slovenia
Università di Lubiana (Facoltà di Pubblica Amministrazione), Slovenia
Università delle scienze applicate Kempten, Germania
Università delle scienze applicate Costanza, Germania
Autorità Regionale Burgenland GmbH, Austria
Associazione delle imprese industriali della Provincia di Belluno
Plastipolis, Cluster di innovazione per l'industria delle materie plastiche e dei compositi, Francia
USI Università della Svizzera Italiana, Svizzera
