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SUPAIR – SUstainable Ports in the Adriatic-Ionian Region

Programme:ADRION programme INTERREG V-B 2014-2020
Project duration:01/01/2018 - 01/01/2020

Ports are hubs connecting different types of transport systems at global and regional level. However, transshipment operations and passengers’ mobility have significant impact on the environment, especially on air quality, water and noise pollution as well as CO2 emissions. For this reason,  ports  can act as drivers for the implementation of more efficient and greener transport policies. In particular, ports can increase their sustainability by following a methodology that helps them in detecting their environmental impact and identify ways to reduce their carbon and ecological footprint.

SUPAIR project responds to such challenge by supporting port authorities in the implementation of low-carbon and multimodal transport and mobility solutions within a macro-regional context. The transnational dimension is ensured by the partnership, which pulls together 7 ports of the Adriatic-Ionian region (namely Trieste, Venice, Koper, Bar, Durres, Thessaloniki and Piraeus) and research as well as public institutions in charge of transport.

SUPAIR will establish a network of ADRION low-carbon ports committed to exchange on good practices regarding soft and hard environment-friendly solutions for a greener, safer and more efficient transport system.

Further to that, a common step by step Transnational Methodology, will serve as basis to develop 7 action plans for sustainable and low-carbon port, covering a broad range of fields (clean shipping, green upgrading of port machinery, installation of emission control systems, truck flow management, etc.). The Plans will be designed considering local port operations and needs in order to identify tailor made solutions. The project will also develop a transnational strategy for low carbon transport systems in the Adriatic-Ionian basin.

Benefits for the involved territories are many, such as the enhanced technical capacity for ports to plan and implement sustainable action plans as well as low-carbon and environment-friendly port transport and mobility solutions, the increased empowerment of relevant local organizations and institutions.


Area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste - Science Park

Venice International University
Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Orientale
Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale (Italia)
Centre for Research and Technologies of Hellas (CERTH)
Port Authorities of Pireo and Thessaloniki (Grecia) Logistics Port System of Capodistria, Luka Koper (Slovenia)
Port Authority of Durres (Albania)
Port Authority of Bar (Crna Gora_Montenegro).
