17/07/2018 - 18/07/2018
Individual Fellowships 2018 – Mini-Boot-Camp Workshop on Proposal Writing

Area Science Park, Congress Centre (C Building) – Padriciano 99 – 34149 Trieste.

Immagine: Individual Fellowships 2018 – Mini-Boot-Camp Workshop on Proposal Writing


Individual Fellowships” (IF) is the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) that funds excellent researchers who look to boost their career prospects through scientific and soft skills development as well as cross-sectoral experiences. MSCA-IF funds the best, most promising individual researchers, from anywhere in the world.

They must comply with the following Criteria at the time of the Call Deadline (12 September 2018):

  • Experience: candidate researchers must be in possession of a Doctoral degree, or have at least four years of full-time-equivalent experience in research;
  • Mobility: in most cases (few exceptions), candidate researchers must not have resided and/or carried out their main activity in the country of the target-Host-Institution for more than twelve months in the past three years.

Area Science Park – EURAXESS Centre on behalf of the Scientific and Innovative System of Friuli Venezia Giulia – SiS FVG strongly encourages and supports the submission of MSCA-IF proposals.

In order to promote participation and to properly prepare for potential submissions, Area Science Park  organizes a two-day “Mini-Boot-Camp Workshop”, on 17th and 18th July 2018, which will be delivered by Mr. Pierantonios Papazoglou, Scientific Coordinator of the Energy-Environment-Water Research Centre of The Cyprus Institute, and former MSCA National Contact Point and Programme Committee Member for Cyprus.

The Workshop is ideal for prospective Applicants, Academic staff potentially acting as Supervisors, as well as international-relations/ HR/ research-support administrative staff.

The maximum number of participants has been reached.




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